About Us imageAbout Us image
Our Museum tells the fascinating story of this historic town of Queenborough.

From a small Saxon settlement to a wealthy Borough and Royal Castle built by Edward III, Queenborough is full of Victorian industrial heritage still evolving to this day.

Queenborough was home to over a hundred minesweeping vessels during the Second World War.

The Museum houses hundreds of photographs of the Naval vessels as well as historic images of Queenborough in days gone by.

Along with photographs and documents there are many artefacts to look at.

You can view the court room of the Guildhall, the first on the Isle of Sheppey, after this how about a visit to the dungeon - we promise not to lock you in!

We charge 50p admission. Children free.
We welcome group bookings and can supply refreshments.

OPENING HOURS - April - October  inclusive 2024
SATURDAYS     2. 00 - 5.00 (LAST ADMISSION 4.30)(Saturday mornings by appointment)
THURSDAYS  JUNE 27th, JULY 18th, AUGUST 1st & 15th  - 12.00  - 3.30